Millennial Doctors: Pushing New Trends for Healthcare

The medical field has witnessed a radical transformation in the Digital Age not only in the new medical discoveries, but also in hospital practices and government health record management. The demands of patients are also getting higher as information becomes faster and more accessible. This new age has given rise to a new breed of doctors — tech savvy, and offers much more customized and personalized services to their patients.

These are some of the characteristics of these modern doctors—the Millennial Doctors—if you will.

They use the right tools
Their medical record management tools are centralized which connect directly to major health providers and are streamlined with their payment systems. They allow them to create neatly-organized reports and records in a minute or less.

An article from Visual Capitalist says that as patients increasingly behave like consumers, they have to keep pace with their demands for shared decision-making and higher personalization. More are relying on electronic health records and even in social networks. Since millennials grew up on technology, they’re much more comfortable using these tools, which help them practice more efficiently than their predecessors.

They are Improving Patient - Physician Relationship
Young physicians today also value relationships as key not only to enabling better clinical outcomes, but to restoring meaning to their own careers. They rely on direct mobile engagement and digital communication since it impacts their day-to-day engagement with patients.

“Millennial doctors are passionate about reshaping their day-to-day experience to deliver better quality care while rediscovering what inspired them to become doctors in the first place,” Ame Wadler, managing director, Zeno Global Health, said in a press release. “They are hungry to learn from peers, driven by science and value technology, but strapped for time and hampered by outdated and bureaucratic ways of operating.”

They stand by the Universal Healthcare Act
Developing countries are beginning to institutionalize laws to provide accessible healthcare to its people. For instance in 2018, the Philippine government implemented its Universal Healthcare Act where all Filipino citizens are automatically enrolled in the National Health Insurance Program and are provided with appropriate reforms in the health systems, including access to affordable healthcare services.

The law also requires both public and private hospitals and health insurers to maintain a health information system that will contain electronic health records, prescription logs, and “human resource information.”

EMRs are a relatively new system which is already being used in some hospitals in the Philippines. EMRs integrate existing hospital systems and provides immediate access to patient records, allowing a more complete and beneficial interaction between patients and physicians.
